Thursday, September 3, 2020

How to stay eager and motivated during the summer

The most effective method to remain energetic and propelled throughout the late spring Which is more regrettable: a bad day in the making, or an instance of the Summer Fridays? There’s consistently the espresso remedy for that drowsy inclination as you dawdle to take a shot at Mondays, yet shouldn't something be said about the long moderate consume of the late spring Fridays, when you’re encompassed by void work areas of individuals in the midst of a get-away? Regardless of whether it’s the late spring heat, the crawling jealousy of colleagues on an extended get-away, or simply the call of the outside, remaining spurred and gainful this season can be a test. Here are 5 different ways to beat the mid year blahs, remain centered, and make the most of your work more. Set smaller scale goalsReaching an objective you’ve buckled down for can comprehend achievement. So why not get this inclination in littler dosages to help give you a lift for the duration of the day? Making a rundown of little objectives even â€Å"get coffee†-can assist yo u with getting this show on the road with the undertakings you have to do. Scratching something off your rundown can likewise assist you with feeling profitable and sorted out. Shockingly better: set time objectives. Transform your undertaking into a little test. What would you be able to complete in the following 15 minutes? To remain genuinely gainful, plan the following hour, the entire morning, and the remainder of the day.DaydreamBut ensure you additionally plan some break time. You may wind up staying away from work to consider all the pleasant collaborators are having in the midst of a get-away as you sit in your phantom town of an office, or to begin arranging out your optimal sea shore end of the week. Utilize this inclination to wander off in fantasy land for your potential benefit by making it vital. Allowing yourself to wander off in fantasy land (on a period limit) can revive you and assist you with pulling together before you return to your work. It’s better to give yourself arranged breaks as opposed to let your psyche meander throughout the day. What's more, whatever you do, remain off internet based life (looking through posts of different people’s dusks and palm trees won’t assist you with staying motivated).Reward yourselfWe’re not rodents in a labyrinth, however we are spurred to act by remuneration focuses in our minds. On the off chance that you’re completely wore out grinding away and wishing you could take a vacation day and appreciate the sun, make your break times, nighttimes, and ends of the week tally. Treat yourself by binge spending on an extremely extraordinary lunch. Go out to see a film after work. Rest well. Purchase another outfit as though you were getting away. Plan a day trip for the forthcoming end of the week. Cost and time can deny you from really setting off to the Bahamas, however even essentially arranging something you will appreciate later can support your mind-set currently helpi ng you be increasingly profitable in your ordinary routine.Switch up your routineSpeaking of the regular daily schedule: on the off chance that you simply wind up wanting to be somewhere else, bring a bit of something else into your ordinary. Tune in to calypso music on earphones or drink a nonalcoholic solidified pineapple refreshment with your lunch. Indeed, even get a frosted espresso rather than hot espresso. Walk an alternate method to work. One thing a get-away does is separate the ordinary everyday practice and give you a difference in view †you can do this from a more minor perspective. Give something access your day feel somewhat unique to make the late spring extraordinary, even inside your office walls.Bring the outside inSimilarly, on the off chance that you are longing to go outside in the sun, bring some nature into your office space. Hear some out sea waves. Get yourself a plant or a few blossoms for your work area. Take a gander at pictures of nature or spots yo u need to go. Going through an end of the week on the sea shore can be therapeutic, yet basically seeing nature can likewise really make you calmer.Acknowledging your craving to be somewhere else will assist you with being progressively beneficial at that point attempting to disregard it. Taking advantage of the little things that can help keep you propelled and help separate the trench will assist you with overcoming those long summer days.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Free Essays on African Art

Djennã ©, the most established realized city in sub-Saharan Africa is arranged on the floodlands of the Niger and Bani waterways, 354 kilometers (220 miles) southwest of Timbuktu. Established by vendors around 800 AD (close to the site of a more seasoned city dating from 250BC), Djennã © thrived as a gathering place for dealers from the deserts of Sudan and the tropical woods of Guinea. Caught by the Songhai head Sonni 'Ali in 1468, it formed into Mali’s most significant exchanging focus during the sixteenth century. The city flourished as a result of its immediate association by waterway with Timbuktu and from its circumstance at the head of exchange courses prompting gold and salt mines. Somewhere in the range of 1591 and 1780, Djennã © was constrained by Moroccan lords and during these years its business sectors further extended, highlighting items from all through the immense locales of North and Central Africa. In 1861 the city was vanquished by the Tukulor ruler al-Ha jj 'Umar and was then involved by the French in 1893. From that point, its business capacities were taken over by the town of Mopti, which is arranged at the conjunction of the Niger and Bani streams, 90 kilometers toward the upper east. Djennã © is currently a farming exchange community, of lessened significance, with a few lovely instances of Muslim design, including its Great Mosque. Notwithstanding its business significance, Djennã ©, was otherwise called a focal point of Islamic learning and journey, drawing in understudies and travelers from all over West Africa. The huge market square of Djennã © is overwhelmed by its Great Mosque. Convention has it that the primary mosque was worked in 1240 by the ruler Koi Kunboro, who changed over to Islam and transformed his royal residence into a mosque. Almost no is thought about the presence of the principal mosque, yet it was considered excessively luxurious by Sheik Amadou, the leader of Djennã © in the mid nineteenth century. The Sheik assembled a second mosque in the 1830’s and permitted the first to fall into deterioration. The current mosque... Free Essays on African Art Free Essays on African Art AFRICAN ART The conventional specialty of Africa has a significant impact in the African culture. Most functions and exercises, (for example, singing, moving, narrating, ect.) can not work without visual craftsmanship. It can likewise be utilized as an actualize and symbol of rank or distinction, or have a strict significance.African craftsmanship comprises fundamentally of models, works of art, interests, covers, figures, and enriching objects. Models are viewed as the best accomplishment for African craftsmanship. A greater part of the models are done in wood yet are additionally made of metal, stone, earthenware, mud, beadwork, ivory, and different materials. It is found in numerous pieces of Africa yet predominantly in western and focal Africa. Numerous old stone artworks have been found in Southern and Eastern Africa. These compositions are accepted to be ascribed to the SAN (Bushman) individuals. Covers and obsessions are regularly used to frighten away awful things, for example, malicious spirits, witches or apparitions. They are additionally used to achieve an ideal end-break an awful propensity, improve ones love life, or murder a characteristic or powerful adversary. There are three fundamental subjects of African craftsmanship. The first is the dualism among bramble and town. African clans wear covers and headresses: the male is spoken to by the elephant, the most impressive of bramble animals and the female is carefully coiffed to communicate refinement and human advancement. The second subject of African workmanship is the tricky connections between the sexes.African clans use workmanship as a restorative gadget to manage the issues and issues managing the relations between the genders. The third subject is the battle to control characteristic or heavenly powers to accomplish an ideal end. African clans frequently use covers in functions (called Gelede) to if it's not too much trouble and respect the powers. For every locale in Africa,there is an alternate style of workmanship. The western Sudanic Region have mama... Free Essays on African Art Djennã ©, the most seasoned realized city in sub-Saharan Africa is arranged on the floodlands of the Niger and Bani streams, 354 kilometers (220 miles) southwest of Timbuktu. Established by vendors around 800 AD (close to the site of a more seasoned city dating from 250BC), Djennã © thrived as a gathering place for merchants from the deserts of Sudan and the tropical woods of Guinea. Caught by the Songhai ruler Sonni 'Ali in 1468, it formed into Mali’s most significant exchanging focus during the sixteenth century. The city flourished on account of its immediate association by waterway with Timbuktu and from its circumstance at the head of exchange courses prompting gold and salt mines. Somewhere in the range of 1591 and 1780, Djennã © was constrained by Moroccan rulers and during these years its business sectors further extended, including items from all through the huge areas of North and Central Africa. In 1861 the city was vanquished by the Tukulor head al-Hajj 'Umar an d was then involved by the French in 1893. From there on, its business capacities were taken over by the town of Mopti, which is arranged at the intersection of the Niger and Bani waterways, 90 kilometers toward the upper east. Djennã © is presently a rural exchange place, of decreased significance, with a few excellent instances of Muslim design, including its Great Mosque. Notwithstanding its business significance, Djennã ©, was otherwise called a focal point of Islamic learning and journey, pulling in understudies and explorers from all over West Africa. The enormous market square of Djennã © is commanded by its Great Mosque. Custom has it that the primary mosque was worked in 1240 by the ruler Koi Kunboro, who changed over to Islam and transformed his castle into a mosque. Almost no is thought about the presence of the principal mosque, however it was considered excessively rich by Sheik Amadou, the leader of Djennã © in the mid nineteenth century. The Sheik manufactured a second mosque in the 1830’s and permitted the first to fall into dilapidation. The current mosque...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Buying a House Is Better Than Renting Free Essays

Purchasing a house is a superior choice than leasing a loft. † In this paper I will talk about the significant advantages of purchasing a house as opposed to leasing a condos. While it tends to be expensive it is a more secure spot to live that has long haul venture and assessment advantage. We will compose a custom paper test on Purchasing a House Is Better Than Renting or on the other hand any comparable theme just for you Request Now Purchasing a house might be troublesome and it very well may be a confounding procedure, in any event, for veteran purchasers. Here are a few errands that lodging specialists state before getting into the purchasing a house. Get financials all together. Purchasers should check their FICO assessment, charges, 401(k) s and different parts of their money related circumstance to decide the most extreme sum they are happy with bearing for their month to month contract, utilities, upkeep, duties and protection. On the off chance that one’s FICO assessment is low, the individual in question may need to get it higher before applying for a home loan. A terrible FICO assessment may influence the buyers’ rates, yet may keep them from getting a home loan. Purchasers ought to likewise get pre-endorsed by a dealer or loan specialist †that implies they get an understanding by a bank to loan the purchaser up to a particular sum for a home, and the bank tells merchants that financing is now arranged. At the point when a purchaser finds the correct house, the individual in question make an offer and apply for a home loan. While each neighborhood advertise is extraordinary, most financial analysts state purchasers are by and large in the driver’s seat today this mean, purchasers can solicit to bring down the cost from prospected home. Fifty-three percent of property holders accept a seller’s advertise is as yet at least two years away, as indicated by a study of 2,003 grown-ups between March 30 and April 2 by American Express. This market is extremely nearby. Homes in Chicago are getting different offers and going for over 10% over the asking cost, for instance, while those in Fort Lauderdale are selling for 20% not as much as rundown value, as per Zip Realty. At the point when a purchaser his prepared to buy a house, they ought to have enough money for an initial installment, which can be at least 10%, and additional assets for shutting costs, including examination expenses and move-in store. Purchasers need to ensure that in the event that they are purchasing a pre-owned house, they have to check any augmentations or development to a current home have been appropriately documented with the city and endorsed for better evaluation or purchaser can buy another house on the off chance that they would need to. At the point when the individual in question claims and lives in a house, there are numerous advantages that accompany possessing and living in the house. Coming up next are the advantages of living in a house. One significant advantage of living in a house is security and protection. In lofts there are constrained. Living in a house, He or she doesn't have an excessive number of neighbors around the person in question thinks about to living in condos where neighbors is truly nearby and with in your arms reach. At the point when the individual in question lives in a house, they are consistently on the ground floor, where in lofts inhabitants can have no real option except to climb those steps and perhaps right to the last floor. At the point when the person in question lives in a house, they unquestionably have no difficult where to leave their vehicle; they can have their own carport and a garage, which is more agreeable and a lot more secure than apartment’s parking garage. Lofts have a higher crime percentage contrast with any kinds of lodging, According to the National Crime Prevention Council, the association most popular for McGruff the Crime Dog, condos are eighty-five percent bound to be misled by robberies contrast with Even however one may have a sense of security living in a house or loft, they despite everything need to rehearse cautiousness and anticipation to abstain from turning into a casualty of property robbery or different wrongdoings. Purchasing a house can be extraordinary long haul speculation. As old and fundamental as it seems to be, the main guideline in land still hasn’t changed: area is everything. The region where the house is located†its environmental factors and good ways from a urban focus †profoundly affects the drawn out estimation of one’s home. Land specialists have since quite a while ago advised against claiming the most sumptuous house in the area or making excessive home enhancements that far exceed everything else around. The truth of the matter is that, as a rule, expensive homes wear not acknowledge as much as progressively unassuming structures do. It is normally better to purchase the most affordable house in an upscale neighborhood and make upgrades. In such a case, your home will acknowledge more in esteem. In spite of the fact that the normal change in house costs are identified with changes in essentials or maybe showcase wide air pockets, not all houses in a market acknowledge at a similar rate. Lofts just increment in lease as the years pass by. Leaseholders will never claim a bit of the condo or money out any cash they put in, dissimilar to in paying the â€Å"mortgage. † If the proprietor keeps paying the home loan, in 15, 20 or 30 years (contingent upon the length of the advance) the house is theirs. Property holder can deduct on their government and state personal assessments the measure of home loan intrigue and land charges they pay every year. For instance, by organizing conclusions on the expense form, a wedded couple recording together can deduct $21,000 from his available pay. A leasing wedded couple might not have a ton of findings, so they may pick the standard reasoning, which is $10,300. Home gets an extra $10,700 in charge conclusion than the leasing couple. Accepting the two couples each gain $100,000 every year. The leasing couple would need to pay personal assessment on $89,700. The claiming couple would pay charge on $79,000 contrast of $10,000 proprietors can place in their pocket. Everybody needs to reduce what they cover in charges and home possession diminishes charges, yet assembles value. Value is the distinction between the market estimation of a property and the cases held against it. Having value, property holder may acquire cash utilizing value as insurance. This is another advantage of purchasing a house as opposed to leasing a loft. While it tends to be exorbitant it is a more secure spot to live that has long haul speculation and expense advantage. Instructions to refer to Buying a House Is Better Than Renting, Essay models

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Water and Drainage Mangement Essay - 275 Words

Water and Drainage Mangement (Essay Sample) Content: Water drainage techniques, materials, processes and maintenance(Authorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Name)(College name)(Submission Date)Water drainage techniques, materials, processes and maintenanceFlood water issues are a major problem in many homes, considering that most of the water can be from the precipitation, surface water flow or underground water seepage. It is appropriate to do an assessment of the topography, climatic and weather patterns to determine the water movement patterns. The assessment will give the clues to what water drainage patterns and the drainage features that can be needed in establishing an efficient drainage system in the affected area (Ritzema, Nijland, Croon, 2006).The assessment needs to the carried out on a wet day or immediately after it rains, if this is not possible one may need some environmental clues that can be traced in the landscape like erosion trails and gullies can be helpful in determining the source and the direction of water movement . The natural and artificial water paths in the region also need to be assessed and the consequences of diversion determined in order to make a decision on the right corrective action (department, 200). Other factors of importance included determining the geology of the area to determine the watershed patterns depending on the type and nature of bedrock, the topography of the area is essential in indicating the natural water flow pattern, finally, as an expert one needs to look at vegetation to determine the water interception and infiltration to the ground (Edwin Bruce, 2010).The decision on the best drainage system will be made depending on the assessment outcomes. The methods that can be used include the use of off path drainage ditches, underground drainage pipes or active pumping out of the water (Nijland, Croon, Ritzema, 2005). These methods are appropriate for different topographies and the cost of establishment depends on the technique selected. The First technique is bas ed on ditching as a drainage technique that is the easiest and cheapest to establish and the most common method.The ditch method can be categorized into off path drainage that is common in major streets. The ditch comprises of an open ditch that intercepts water and drains to a natural waterway on the open field. This is appropriate for conveying the water to designated places or to underground water wells that facilitate drainage and improve water infiltration. The other method is the on-path drainage that is constructed to divert the water from specific areas this can take the form of cut-off drains, let drains and water bars (Edwin Bruce, 2010). Cut-off drains, for instance, can be constructed to divert the flow of water from erosion channels and convey it to natural waterways. Letts are utilized to drain water from puddles and convey it to waterways (Nijland, Croon, Ritzema, 2005). Active pumping can also be used in regions where the topography is relatively flat and basin li ke with poor water infiltration. Pumping as a drainage method has been used in a number of countries like Netherlands in reclamation and it is relatively successful through expensive as noted by many drainage system experts.To set up a drainage system, there is a need to consider the availability and the type of drainage system that is required. The major materials that are needed in construction are stable blocks that can be readily found in the locality. For complex, underground systems one may require drain tubing, dry well and drainage covers for active pumping one might need a pump and pipe tubing (Ritzema, Nijland, Croon, 2006). Despite this one needs some equipments to aid the installment like spades, wheelbarrow, tape measure and hoe. That can assist in digging the trenches and laying the whole drainage system in place.The process involves, first contacting the authorities to determine the location of various amenities like underground cables and pipes. After confirming the site, is marked and the ditches are dug out and dry well constructed for areas that lack main drainage system. At this point, it may be decided to make the system open or underground depending on the needs. For underground syst...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Corporal Punishment And Its Effect On Children - 1860 Words

Naif Alharthi Jeremiah Hawn Reading/Writing L9 17 March 2015 Corporal Punishment by Spanking in Children Corporal punishment is hared way for children. According to Carol Bower, in the article Positive Discipline and a Ban on Corporal Punishment Will Help Stop Cycles of Violence. parents rely on corporal punishment on their children because violence is an acceptable way to solve problems. â€Å"The data showed that 57% of parents with children under 18 used corporal punishment, and 33% used severe corporal punishment in the form of beatings† (Bower). Many parents chose to use corporal punishment on children by giving harsh spankings. This research paper will show the corporal punishment against children by Spanking. Corporal punishment is inhumane and goes against human rights. Parents must not use corporal punishment on their children, so parents have to define the best way to avoid corporal punishment by using a nonviolent way of discipline. Corporal punishment is used in bad way by parents. According to CNN, in the article Physical P unishment Doesn t Help, It Hurts† if children get punishment from their parents, it is harder for them to interact with society and it can also lead to potentially dangerous psychological issues. After that parents cannot find solution to avoid it. â€Å"Corporal punishment teaches that violence is an appropriate response to problems or frustrations with people and that can lead to a cycle of violence and victimization in the child s futureShow MoreRelatedCorporal Punishment And Its Effect On Children1587 Words   |  7 PagesThe term corporal punishment is defined as the use of physical force with the intention of causing a child to experience pain, but not injury, for the purpose of correction or control of the child’s behavior Seven nations Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Italy and Cyprus-have laws making it illicit for parents to utilize physical discipline on their children. Corporal punishment in schools has been banned in every one of the nations in Europe, South and Central America, China and JapanRead MoreCorporal Punishment And Its Effect On Children1708 Words   |  7 Pagesviewpoint on corporal punishment; some of the reviews take a look at who is most affected by corporal punishment in terms of focusing their lens on race, socio-economic status, gender, culture etc. Some also take a critical look at the advantages and disadvantages of corporal punishment. Some take a look at the widespread of corporal punishment in the US. Cases against corporal punishment and the effect of corporal punishment on children were also looked into. With all the different ways corporal punishmentRead MoreCorporal Punishment And Its Effect On Children1617 Words   |  7 Pagesof any child’s life is a huge determinate of what their future will turn out to be. Parenting styles are the normative prototypes that parents utilize to socialize and manage their children. Different parents employ different styles of discipline to ensure that their children develop to be all-rounded adults. Children who have been nurtured well by their parents turn up as self-regulated with disciplined behavior. Child discipline is thus a key parenting skill, and the choice of discipline styleRead MoreThe Effects Of Corporal Punishment On Children932 Words   |  4 PagesChildren and Corporal Punishment Punishing children has been one of the most controversial parenting topics this generation has seen. Physical punishment or corporal punishment is simple defined as the use of physical force with the purpose of initiating pain, but not wound, to teach the proper behavior of a child. Corporal punishment has been used for many centuries in schools and in homes but the use of such techniques have since decreased and are not being used in many places today. EvidenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Corporal Punishment On Children2225 Words   |  9 Pagesinternet that will point out the simple pros and cons of Corporal punishment. Many children psychologists state that violence will always produce violence, it will never reduce aggression. This is a generally accepted fact that has been proven and studied for decades. Will someone such as a child, not act out against an aggressor because of the natural drive to preserve their inherited material? There are usually four things that children who have experienced child abuse will do in later years. OneRead MoreCorporal Punishment And Its Effect On School Children1251 Words   |  6 Pagesdistribute our findings so that all of the public cannot ignore the wholesale infliction of pain and suffering onto our school children, and the role â€Å"paddling† schools play in teaching our children that physically aggressive and coercive resolutions of conflict are legitimate. Contributing to the problem of violence by making children feel rejected and isolated, corporal punishment is unsafe in and of itself, but its discriminate application may be co-incident with problems unique to racial and genderRead MoreEffects of Corporal Punishment on Children Essay868 Words   |  4 Pagestrait both in and out of their homes. Misbehaving children cannot be avoided as they are curious little beings and they have a tendency to explore. But there are some parents, even teachers, who do not tolerate misbehaving and they resort to corpora l punishments such as spanking to make sure the child never forgets how painful it is to misbehave as they will remember the punishment entailed to it and become more disciplined. However, not all children would understand the logic of the parent and theRead MoreThe Effects Of Corporal Punishment On Children953 Words   |  4 Pagesmany views of the past relating to corporal punishment have changed significantly. During my readings I read things that instantly stood out to me. The first being how many issues and their solutions revolved around religion. John Wesley, was the founder of the Methodist Movement, and he believed that children were born with sin and that it was the parental duty to discipline the unruly child, starting at an early age. During this time period, corporal punishment was a common practice. Wesley usedRead MoreEssay on Effects of Corporal Punishment on Children1943 Words   |  8 Pagesspanking. Whichever terminology is used to help define corporal punishme nt, it all means the same. The very idea of physical discipline is based on an adult using his or her larger physique and power to intimidate and force someone much smaller and weaker into a state of compliance (Rathis, 2007). In the western culture, they publically frown at people who use their physical power to dominate someone smaller, yet when it comes to their children they take a pass, turn their heads, and call it spankingRead MoreThe Effects Of Parental Corporal Punishment On Children1499 Words   |  6 PagesAbstract This paper will explore published recent articles that talks about young children and their eyes being glued to screens. Many articles have different purposes of why children are so addict to an in motion screen, but Marcia Eckerd found the problem and solution to why this is a number one cause in our world today. There are creative ways in children that makes their mind wonder in a way to pay more attention to what is going on in the community and how to learn from it. Technology can

Accounting Decision Making Largest Gas and Electric Retailer

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Decision Making for Largest Gas and Electric Retailer. Answer: Introduction Genesis Energy Ltd Genesis Energy Ltd, formerly known as Genesis Power Ltd is an electricity and electricity generation, LPG and natural gas retailing company. It is a diversified energy company and it provides services through Customer Experience Business. It generates electricity through several groupings of natural gas, electricity, trade and assets. It is deemed as New Zealands largest gas and electric retailer, supplying energy to more than 650,000 customers across New Zealand. It focuses on keeping and attracting valuable commercial, residential and industrial customers throughout the country. For thermal generation throughout the country, it has two modern gas fired and two coal or gas fired generating units. In terms of capacity, the Huntly Power Station has the largest one (Genesis Energy Ltd, 2015). The main motive of the company is to appropriately meet the demands of all their customers and for this; it assists them effectively through a customer care center and generates energy at the lowe st cost possible. It also aims to enhance the value of its excess thermal generation capacity during scenarios of higher prices of electricity. Performance evaluation It can be observed from the annual report of Genesis Energy that it reported net profit of $104.8 million in 2015 that is significantly higher than $49.2 million in comparison to 2014. Due to such profits, the company was satisfied that it could pay the estimated final dividend of shareholders amounting to $80 million. It can also be seen that in 2015 there was a decline of $2.3 million in the current assets of the company in comparison to 2014. The reason behind such was because of reduction in inventories and cash. Furthermore, the current liabilities of the company also increased due to excess borrowings by the company. It also depicted an EBITDAF of $344.8 million in the financial year 2015 that is higher than that of $307.8 million in 2014. The reason behind such satisfactory financial performance is because of regular attention towards capital expenditure debts and costs. In terms of net debt, the company witnessed a three percent decrease in the net debt amounting to $937.2 mi llion as at 2015 (Genesis Energy Ltd, 2015). AGL Energy Ltd From more than 175 years of experience, AGL Energy Ltd provides, solar PV, electricity, gas and related products and services to around 3.7 million customers across New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia and Victoria. It is one of the leading integrated energy companies of Australia and the largest ASX listed developer, operator and owner of renewable energy generation in the country. It aims to provide customers with affordable and secure energy but not compromising with the needs of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In the last years, it has initiated a vertical integration plan by giving more attention to electricity. Due to such plan, it can now concentrate on 10000 MW capacities also. Its widespread power generation portfolio comprises of intermediate and peaking generation plants, spread across renewable sources as well as traditional thermal generation including wind, hydro, solar, landfill gas and biomass (AGL Energy Ltd, 2015). It also invests in and operates producti on and development tenements, natural gas exploration and storage facilities. Performance analysis It can be observed that the wholesale market operations, key generation assets and portfolios of customers portrayed a powerful underlying profit outcome. This depicts that the company focuses on driving value and operational execution through cost and margin discipline at a similar time as the company develops. The operating EBIT of the company increased from $1004 million to $1126 million in 2015 (AGL Energy Ltd, 2015). A major highlight of the company depicts that the regulatory revenues were affected by variations in many significant items including the expenses of assets impairment of main upstream gas and Macquarine Generation Acquisition. The profits of the company increased in the year 2015 in comparison to 2014 which portrays a significant enhancement. Due to such increment, even the expenses of the company gradually increased. Taking into consideration the current assets and liabilities of the company, it can be seen that in 2015, current assets amounted to $3459 million th at is potentially higher than that of $3411 million in 2014. Similarly, the current liabilities of the company also enhanced due to greater borrowings that is from $45 million in 2014 to $443 million in 2015 (AGL Energy Ltd, 2015). In terms of cents, the dividend per share also increased from 63 in 2014 to 64 in 2015. Both the fixed assets and issue share capital also witnessed a growth in 2015. Analysis of the trend Profitability ratio AGL Energy Ltd. Return on Assets Return on Assets is a profitability ratio that indicates the manner in which the assets are utilized (Choi Meek, 2011). From the above computation it is projected that ROA of AGL has declined and this is attributed due to improper performance and utilization of the assets. Net profit margin The net profit margin indicates the profit earned by the company. It highlights the performance in terms of profit. However, it is seen that the net profit margin has declined and this is attributed to addition of new items in the financial statements that have impacted the profit capacity (Christensen, 2011). Genesis Energy Limited Return on Assets The ROA of Genesis has increased indicating that the assets were utilized in an effective hence, a strong increment is witnessed. It is a positive scenario for the company and stresses that the management is performing in an effective manner. Net profit margin The ratio has shown a sudden jump and hence proves that the company has made commendable profit. In comparison to AGL Ltd it has outperform. The strong jump in profit is owing to sharp increase in net income. Liquidity AGL Energy Ltd Current ratio When it comes to liquidity, current ratio is vital as it provides an indication regarding the skill of the company to honor the obligations. The standard ratio is 2:1 (Deegan, 2011). However, in the case of AGL, the ratio has declined and strikes a liquidity issue. This is due to strong increment in current liabilities. Quick ratio Quick ratio is a better representation of the liquidity as it excludes stock and hence it represents that the company can repay the amount without locking in the stock. Standard ratio is 1:1 and the company is just close to it. It denotes a strong liquidity of the company (Kaplan, 2011). Genesis Energy Limited Current ratio Just like AGL Ltd, the current ratio of Genesis has dropped and this can be cited due to high increment in the current liabilities. The ratio is not close to the base ratio and hence, is a high alert for the management. Quick Ratio As per the computation of quick ratio it can be seen that the company is striving to achieve the base ratio and its beneficial for the company in terms of liquidity. Hence, it has shown better ratio as compared to AGL ltd. Solvency Ratio AGL Energy Ltd Debt Equity Ratio The Debt ratio indicates the proportion of debt that is utilized in the company. Higher debt ratio is dangerous for the company because the claims of shareholders will be more (Davies Crawford, 2012). The debt equity ratio of AGL Energy Ltd has dropped indicating less stress on debt and is close to 0.50 which is the ideal ratio. The company has an optimum combination of equity and debt. Equity ratio The equity ratio denotes the reliance on the factor of equity. From the ratio it is observed that the equity ratio has enhanced which is positive news for the company. As per Graham Smart (2012) higher level of equity ratio is beneficial for the company. Genesis Energy Ltd Equity Ratio Genesis energy Ltd has low debt equity ratio and has increased marginally in 2015. It is to be noted that it has more reliance on equity and utilizes a very low level of debt. It can enhance the ratio till .50 so as to use the optimum debt ratio. However, AGL Energy Ltd utilizes the equity and debt in an optimum manner. As per the general notion, an increasing or higher level of equity ratio is best for the company. Genesis has an equity ratio of above 0.50 which is positive in nature (Brigham Daves, 2012). A slight fall can be witnessed in the ratio owing to a drop in the level of total assets. Market performance AGL Energy Ltd Market performance Earnings per share in 2014 96.9 Earnings per share in 2015 96.4 Dividend per share in 2014 63 Dividend per share in 2014 - 64 Genesis Energy Ltd Market performance Earnings per share in 2014 4.92 Earnings per share in 2015 10.49 Dividend per share 6.6 Dividend per share - 8 The market performance of a company is vital because an investor peep to this numbers when it comes to evaluating the company (Brealey et. al, 2011). The Earnings per share of AGL Energy Ltd has declined marginally while the EPS of Genesis has shown a great bounce. In this scenario, Genesis has outperformed. On the other hand, dividends of both the companies are satisfactory and project a strong performance. But, it needs to be noted that the dividend of Genesis has shown better growth. Recommendation In the light of the above discussion it can be said that the result of both the companies are satisfactory and stresses on the strong fundamental factor. But, while recommending it can be said that Genesis has shown remarkable results and is striving for better results. The annual report clearly indicates that it I focus more on development that has enhanced its level. From profitability to market performance it can be said that it has better performances as compared to AGL Energy Ltd. As per the trend, the investment in Genesis will fetch more returns as compared to AGL Energy Ltd. Conclusion The above report clearly stresses on the fact that there is a cut throat competition between AGL Energy Ltd and Genesis Energy Ltd. However, the above report shows that Genesis is better placed in the market and the evaluation is an evidence of that. The selection of Genesis for investment will prove to be profitable as the company is showing rapids signs of development. Further, the expansion mode of Genesis is another factor that needs to be taken into consideration. However, AGL needs to concentrate on few ratios to have a better show. References AGL Energy Ltd 2015, AGL Energy Ltd Annual Report and accounts 2015, viewed 30 August 2016,!/AGL Brealey, R., Myers, S. and Allen, F 2011, Principles of corporate finance, New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Brigham, E. Daves, P 2012, Intermediate Financial Management , USA: Cengage Learning. Choi, R.D. and Meek, G.K 2011, International accounting, Pearson . Christensen, J 2011, Good analytical research, European Accounting Review, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 41-51 Davies, T. and Crawford, I 2012, Financial accounting, Harlow, England: Pearson. Deegan, C. M 2011, In Financial accounting theory, North Ryde, N.S.W: McGraw-Hill. Genesis Energy Ltd 2015, Genesis Energy Ltd 2015 Annual Report and accounts 2015, viewed 30 August 2016,!/GNE Graham, J. and Smart, S 2012, Introduction to corporate finance, Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning. Kaplan, R.S 2011, Accounting scholarship that advances professional knowledge and practice, The Accounting Review, vol. 86, no.2, pp. 367383.